Watch soul eater dubbed episode 51
Watch soul eater dubbed episode 51

watch soul eater dubbed episode 51

With the freshmen tasked to find a partner, Maka and her weapon partner, Soul Eater, are brought in to give a demonstration. Tsugumi soon arrives at the freshman reception for the DWMA’s NOT class, where she makes friends with absent-minded meister Meme Tatane. Whilst struggling to climb the many steps leading up to the DWMA, Tsugumi is helped out by one of the students, Maka Albarn, who encourages her to reach the top, with a beautiful view of the city as her reward.

watch soul eater dubbed episode 51


Upon discovering that she can transform into a weapon, Tsugumi Harudori transfers to the Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA) in Death City in order to learn how to control her powers. Later on, Akane and Clay reveal they were hired as bodyguards for Anya, who is really Princess Anastasia Yngling, ordered with escorting her back home should anything happen to Sid, leaving Tsugumi stunned. Sid chases after Shaula, who has possessed some of his men, but is outsmarted by her and found dead by the time Tsugumi and the others arrive. However, when they break her out, she is revealed to have been possessed by Shaula and escapes. As Tsugumi and Anya become conflicted on what to do, they receive a message from Meme asking them to come see her. Meme is taken into custody, as Sid believes that her sleepwalking and forgetfulness may be the result of being under Shaula’s hypnosis. That night, Tsugumi and Anya follow Meme during one of her sleepwalks, winding up at the hidden research room where they are discovered by Akane and Clay.

watch soul eater dubbed episode 51

Tsugumi becomes upset when she receives a letter from her mother informing her that her dog, Pochi, had gotten involved in an accident, and ends up lashing out at Meme for forgetting things so easily. Following a messenger bat, Tsugumi and Anya soon arrive at the top of a bell tower, where Shaula and Meme await. Sensing the two’s bonds, Akane directs them towards Stein, who admires their resolve and gives them an antidote made from Meme’s blood. Hitching a ride with Liz and Patty, Tsugumi reunites with Anya, the two resolving to rescue Meme and managing to perform a Soul Resonance, which gives Tsugumi’s halberd form wings. Jacqueline, sensing what Tsugumi may be going through, has Kim heal her injuries and lets her go to help her friends. As Tsugumi states her belief that Anya won’t leave the city, mentioning the feelings she sensed from her. Meanwhile, as Akane and Clay escort Anya towards the airport, the city is suddenly overrun by NOT students turned into Traitors, which the EAT students have to fend off. Whilst the rest of Death City celebrate Halloween with a Battle Festival amongst the EAT students, Kim and Jacqueline are tasked with watching over Tsugumi, who had been grounded for her actions. Some time later, after Anya sorts out some royal business and Meme gets a medical check-up, the two return to Tsugumi at DWMA, who has been studying hard in their absence. Using the remnants of Meme’s link to track down Shaula, the girls perform a three-way Soul Resonance to bring out Tsugumi’s true form, a winged halberd with a sharp edge, combining all of their strengths to defeat Shaula, returning all of the infected students back to normal. Tsugumi then makes the decision to make both Anya and Meme her official partners, believing the three of them can resonate together.


Whilst it doesn’t appear to work at first, Tsugumi puts herself in harm’s way to get Meme to remember the times they’ve spent together, managing to perform a Soul Resonance with her and break her free from Shaula’s mind control. Overcoming her fears, Tsugumi manages to break open Meme’s guard and administer the antidote via a kiss.

watch soul eater dubbed episode 51

Shaula then sends Meme to kill Tsugumi and Anya, with Anya attempting to subdue her to give Tsugumi the chance to administer the antidote. Having spread out Traitors across Death City, Shaula unleashes her magic, making the Traitors more powerful whilst also ordering some of them to kill themselves as she sees fit.

Watch soul eater dubbed episode 51